Anne Dixon Nangala

DOB: 1965 - 2019
Born: Alice Springs, NT
LANGUAGE GROUP: Pitjantjatjara

Anne Dixon Nangala was born in Alice Springs in 1965. As a girl, Anne moved back to Ernabella, near her father's homelands at Kanpi. As well as being schooled at Ernabella, Anne was influenced by her mother, noted artist and senior law woman Wipana Jimmy.

Anne moved onto Fregon with Wipana as a young woman. Her mother worked at Kaltjiti Arts for around 15 years and at this stage Anne became practically involved in the art world, benefiting from her mother's schooling in batik, basket weaving and painting. Anne then moved with her mother when the Watarru community was established in the mid 1980s.

Anne took up painting approximately 10 years ago. Whilst having her own style which is characterised by her willingness to experiment with colour and paint application techniques, one can see the influence of her mother in some of her works. Anne's topics include important ceremonial sites around her homelands of Watarru and the dreaming stories passed to her by her father.

Anne Dixon Nangala passed away in April 2019, leaving behind her husband Simon and their 4 children.