Elizabeth Mbitjana

Utopia, NT
COMMUNITY: Ahalpere, Utopia NT
Elizabeth Mbitjana comes from a great family of artists, with renowned artist Kathleen Ngale her mother, and Angelina Ngale and Polly Ngale her aunts. Elizabeth paints the Anwekety (Conkerberry, also known as 'Bush Plum') Dreaming story, which belongs to her country of Ahalpere, however she has developed her own style which is quite different to her mother's technique. Elizabeth paints beautifully fine veiled dotted artworks, scattered with colour to create a shimmering multi-dimensional effect.
Elizabeth is quiet and shy, and for many years stayed in the background looking after her mother. During this time she has learnt from the older women and refined a uniquely mesmeric depiction celebrating the Bush Plum which will no doubt make her a sought after artist in the years to come.