Helen McCarthy Tyalmuty

Message Sticks - HMCG0246

Framed: NO
Size: H-121 X W-182 cm.
Medium: Acrylic on Linen
Price: $24,995.00 AUD
   (*Taxes Included)
Product No: HMCG0246
Message sticks is an ancient method of communication that has been used for tens of thousands of years. It was the method used by Indigenous Australian communities to notify people across the massive landmass of Australia about important ceremonies, funerals and other important events. Message Sticks were usually made out of wood and generally small and easy to carry. The person carrying the stick would have an oral message that he would recite once the destination had been reached. Helen explains that the engravings found on the message stick relate to the season of the moon, kind of like a 'date' so everyone knew when the event was to take place.