Kathy Ramsay

10 September 1965
Kathy Ramsay is an exciting emerging artist from Warmun Art Centre in the Kimberley region. While Kathy only began painting in 2013, she has already been a finalist in the John Fries Art Award and the Port Hedland Art Award, as well as being included in numerous group exhibitions and private collections across Australia and internationally.
Kathy is the third generation of artists in her family; her grandfather was the late esteemed artist Timmy Timms and she is the daughter of Rammey Ramsay and Mona Ramsay, both prominent artists in their own right. Kathy explains that her mother and grandfather taught her culture, country and the Ngarranggarni (Dreaming) stories. Kathy now sees art as a way to pass on this knowledge to the next generation. Her subject matter is her ancestral country of Juwulinji, also known as Bow River, where Kathy incorporates rich Ngarranggarni stories with recent histories of station life.
Kathy is a mother to three sons (her eldest is deceased) and is painting full time. In describing her art, Kathy says "I just paint what my old people told me about our Country - because they are the ones who know the history of our Country, the Country we're still connected to today. Our Country really knows us, and it owns us."