Mary Dixon Nungurrayi

DOB: 1960
Born: Papunya, NT
COMMUNITY: Haasts Bluff, NT

Born near Town Bore Creek, east of Papunya in the year the settlement was officially opened - 1960 - Mary Dixon identifies Warlpiri as her language group but nominates the area around Haasts Bluff where she grew up as her country.

She moved to Mt Leibig settlement when it was established, closer to Warlpiri country. She and her husband Colin Dixon, have four children. The artist Maudie Petersen is her sister. Mary started painting in the mid 80's when Papunya Tula Artists began making regular trips to Mt Leibig to service the artists living there.

Mary often paints Witchetty Grub Dreaming and a Milky Way Dreaming concerning the origins of Venus, Orion and the Pleieades. Her work included in exhibitions mounted by the Centre for Aboriginal Artists at the Gauguin Museum, Tahiti in 1988 at the Champman Gallery for which Mary travelled to Canberra. She has been included in a number of publications based primarily on the work of the painters operating through the Centre for Aboriginal Artists.