Price: $2,750.00Size: H-60 x W-60 cm.
Syaw (Fish Net) - KMCG0064
Kerry Madawyn McCarthy
Price: SoldSize: H-92 x W-152 cm.
Travelling the Coast - KMCG0047
Price: $8,750.00Size: H-92 x W-121 cm.
Wet Season - KMCG0050
Price: On HoldSize: H-91 x W-211 cm.
Coral Sea - DTYG0100
Dianne Tchumut
Price: SoldSize: H-61 x W-180 cm.
Leaf Patterns - DTYG0093
Price: $1,250.00Size: H-60 x W-60 cm.
Leaf Patterns - DTYG0096
Price: SoldSize: H-91 x W-121 cm.
Ocean - DTYG0102
Price: SoldSize: H-76 x W-153 cm.
Ocean - DTYG0104
Price: $2,995.00Size: H-76 x W-91 cm.
Ocean - DTYG0106
Price: SoldSize: H-119 x W-238 cm.
Paperbark - DTYG0076
Price: SoldSize: H-121 x W-150 cm.
Paperbark - DTYG0092
Price: $9,995.00Size: H-122 x W-179 cm.
Paperbark - DTYG0098
Price: SoldSize: H-60 x W-60 cm.
Paperbark - DTYG0110
Price: SoldSize: H-121 x W-122 cm.
Weaving - DTYG0071
Price: SoldSize: H-62 x W-61 cm.
Close to Home - RBMG0027
Regina Bamagaya McCarthy
Price: SoldSize: H-62 x W-60 cm.
Kapuk - RBMG0028
Price: $11,500.00Size: H-91 x W-151 cm.
Malmarra Bwakutj - RBMG0034
Price: SoldSize: H-91 x W-181 cm.
Wagatj Warramana (The Long Beach) - RBMG0021
Price: SoldSize: H-61 x W-123 cm.
Bulgul Beach - HMWG0032
Heath Minjin Wilson
Price: $5,500.00Size: H-91 x W-152 cm.
Message Sticks - HMWG0025
Price: $3,250.00Size: H-61 x W-122 cm.
Message Sticks - HMWG0049
Price: SoldSize: H-61 x W-151 cm.
Miwulngini - HMWG0048
Price: $9,500.00Size: H-121 x W-180 cm.
Peppimenarti - HMWG0035
Price: SoldSize: H-61 x W-90 cm.
Peppimenarti Ant Hills - HMWG0040
NOTICE: Copyright for artwork images on this website belongs to the artists or their estates. Artworks are displayed solely to aid potential purchasers in making their selection. Images may not be reproduced for any reason without express permission from the artist.