Not the man or woman of your dreams, but the perfect artwork for your home or office!
With over 2,000 artworks here at the gallery, the process of finding 'the one' may seem daunting - but we've asked our amazing art consultants (who have over 50 years experience in art consultancy combined!) what are the key signs they know their clients have found their perfect artwork.

If you compare every other possible artwork to it, chances are you've found the one!
What if I said I had another client who wanted to purchase the artwork today - how would you feel? If you wouldn't be that bothered, maybe it isn't the one for you..

Daniel Goldshaft, Senior Art Consultant
This is why I love our home trial service! You can learn a lot about your taste this way. Like music, some art takes time to get to know. Sometimes the best art reveals itself slowly.... at the end of the home trial period, are you still admiring the artwork and finding wonderful new details you didn't notice before? Or perhaps you already can't imagine the space without it!
If you're emotionally invested in a couple of artworks and can't decide, sometimes it's good to refer back to the key guidelines you had when you first started looking for a piece of art; did you have a particular size in mind? Did you want the space to have a certain 'feel'? Or do you want an artwork that is bold, vibrant or quiet? If the artwork ticks all the boxes, then bingo! you've found it!
Some couples have such different styles and aesthetics, just finding ONE artwork that you both agree is beautiful is an amazing feat (I've had some clients that have had to wait 12 months for this moment to happen!) When that moment does happen - snap up the artwork pronto to avoid disappointment!
I always say 'go with your gut' even if you don't know how it will work with other pieces in your house...If you always follow your instincts you'll find over time your own unique aesthetic shines through, and you'll have a home full of treasured pieces that each hold a special story for you.
I think buying a piece of art should be a pleasurable, fun experience. If you feel like you need to make a quick decision as you feel the need for closure, or you have a pressing deadline, it might be best to place the artwork on hold for 24 hours, or take it on a home trial. We want you to be 100% happy with your selection.
It can get very busy on the weekends in the gallery, so come prepared if you can, know the size that you require and, if possible, bring photos on your phone of the space.
Remember it’s not always about the look of the painting in isolation, but how it will influence your space. Let our experienced staff guide you.
Surrey Webb, Senior Art Consultant
If you're new to the concept of buying art, then sign up to our mailing list and come along to our exhibitions! You’ll soon discover the myriad of different styles of art that are out there. The more you’re able see and experience, the more you’ll discover the works that pull at your heart. See if you can time your visit with one of our artist in residence programs. Learning the process, techniques and concepts behind a piece can give you a whole new perspective on what it means and how it makes you feel. Take notes on the types of works that speak to you the most – is there a particular style, medium or theme that you seem attracted to consistently?
Just remember, you’re the one who will be admiring this piece on your wall, day in and day out. While we can direct you towards a particular artist you might like, when it comes to choosing something for your home, it’s entirely personal. You don’t want to spend the big dollars on a piece that you tire of within a year! Your friends and our art consultants may have lots of experience and knowledge about an artists’ standing in the market, but they don’t know your home or your personal preferences. Trust yourself.
Your taste is always growing and evolving. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. You may find that as time passes, you’ll be drawn into different styles, colours and genres – but that’s just part of the fun! Keep an open mind when visiting the gallery and you might surprise yourself with how diverse your art taste really is. There are no boundaries and the only person you need to please is yourself – so let yourself fly free!
If you find an artwork that you can’t stop thinking about, chances are it’s meant to be in your life.
Kirby Olave, Indigenous Art Consultant
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